Communicating and co-parenting after separation

Communicating and co-parenting after separation

coparenting communicating after separation family lawyer sydney

coparenting communicating after separation family lawyer sydney

When communication or co-parenting is difficult for you and your ex-partner there are a number of strategies that can assist:

  • limiting your contact with your former partner by making the changeover location at the child’s school or another location where you and your former partner don’t have to be there at the same time;
  • setting clear guidelines for how you and your former partner communicate, for example only by text message or email never by phone or face to face to limit conflict in front of the child; and
  • utilising apps designed for separated parents such as SharedCare, Skoolbag or Parentship which allow you to create a shared calendar and schedule or share important documents without having to communicate with your former partner.

Formalising your parenting arrangement by getting a lawyer to negotiate and draft a parenting plan or consent orders (essentially orders about how you and your former partner agree you should parent your child) that can be filed with the Family Court can help prevent disagreements and protect you from your former partner making decisions or unexpected changes without consulting you.

This weeks, Ask A Family Lawyer, was delivered by one of our Family Lawyers based in our Parramatta, Sydney office.

coparenting communicating after separation family lawyer sydney

coparenting communicating after separation family lawyer sydney

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